Loading colorimetry data in Discngine Qualification
Before loading your colorimetry data, you will first be required to select a default control layout and a default volume layout if not already done at the gravimetry step.
These layouts can either be set by default when defined in the qualification or updated in this section for the analysis purpose.
A default channel layout can also be provided to obtain statistics per channel, but this remains optional.
After selecting the layouts, the following information must be entered:
The applicable plate reader
The type of data (optical density or volume) contained in the files,
The reader file delimiter
The file type
Finally, select the colorimetry files (1 file per plate) and validate to continue the process.
Based on the number of plates involved in the Qualification, a dynamic table is generated. It allows you to specify for each plate the applicable control layout, volume layout and channel layout.
The control layout defines the solvent configuration within a given plate and indicates which wells contain solvent and which ones are empty.
The volume layout specifies the target volume expected on a given plate and the distribution. The table field has a default value that need to be adjusted according to the relevant volume layout.
The channel layout illustrates the pipetting head channels dispensing behavior within a given plate. This will allow the application to provide detailed statistics per channel.
In case the loaded files data are expressed as optical densities, a conversion factor can be defined, or a conversion procedure selected to change data into volume.
Two methods can be used to convert optical density data into volume.
Linear regression
Second-order polynomial regression
When set, confirm with the “Apply” button and click on “Next” to continue your analysis.